Dealing with Debt

If you are in debt, taking independent, sympathetic and common sense advice at the earliest opportunity is critical
All too often debt issues spiral out of control very quickly and it is often the case that early action and involvement of a solicitor can assist greatly in clarifying the issues and helping the client negotiate their way through a difficult time.
Armstrong Solicitors will first and foremost listen to your concerns and deal with your case sympathetically. Whether you have fallen into personal debt with household bills, or cash flow problems in your business have led to arrears, or if you are having trouble making mortgage payments, we can assist. Many debt situations arising from loans or mortgages occur in an industry which is heavily regulated, with various protocols in place that must be followed by those who are seeking to enforce the debt against you. We can advise you on your rights in those situations and, if appropriate, represent you if you wish to put forward proposals.
It has been our experience in numerous cases that an express commitment from the debtor to engage with the process early on has often led to an arrangement being agreed between the parties which assists the debtor in repaying arrears, and also benefits the creditor who will still receive the sums due to them. Each case is different, and we will listen to your particular circumstances and offer you a tailored solution depending on your individual case.
In many cases, Legal Aid is available for initial advice and assistance, and in those cases where you are not eligible for Legal Aid, we can often agree payment terms which will not overstretch your finances. The most important thing, and we make no apology for stressing this, is that the debtor engages with the process early on. To instruct us, or simply have a chat without obligation, please call or request a callback from one of our qualified solicitors.